The LORD is our protection

This morning  God showed me two visions.
The first: I saw God as an eagle. He landed on the  church.  He spread out His wings in a protective  posture.
His wings covered all of the property. There were no perforations.
The Second: He showed me a walled city. In the center was the tree of life and flowing from it is living water.  He opened the  gates and all of God’s people were coming into the city with their children and their families and their belongings.  But some people did not bring in everything to the city.  They hid it outside of the  gates/walls.
When the city was attacked by the  enemy, they could not touch anyone or anything inside the  walls. But the lands and property, and even living things and relationships,  that were not brought into the city were, stolen, killed, and destroyed.

He said, ” what you withhold from me I cannot protect.  Whatever is hidden,
Whatever is held back, you are responsible for.
Give all to me for protection.

Confess the things that cause your feet to stumble. Or you may not make it inside my wings before the enemy strikes.  Bring it all to me.
I AM the LORD your God

Seek His goodness and mercy

Continue to seek me and make time to rest in my Presence. Yes, my child, make room, make space for me to move and come to pour out my gifts and offerings to this world and my people. Oh how I desire to pour out my gifts in full—my miracles in full supply. My children think it is a big thing for rain not to fall or oceans to still, but this is nothing to me. This is nothing compared to what I desire to do in this earth and for my people. Wake up and see. Get up and receive. My wave of mercy is coming. See, it is already here! It is already come!

Open wide to receive, my children. Open your hearts wide to receive my anointing wave of mercy. Let your arms and hearts be open wide to receive every perfect gift. Yes, receive! Receive, all you my children. Receive my gifts in full—my glory in full. I will not disappoint when you come in faith with hearts full of praise. I will not hold back to give you what you need and desire from me. But you must believe. You must have hearts open and willing to receive. Truly I tell you, I have given in abundance. I have poured out my gifts among my people, but few have been willing to receive. Few have been willing to set down their burdens and open their hearts to me. This saddens me greatly for I want to bless my children. I want to pour out my heart amongst my people.

Arise, oh church. Sing praises to the Almighty and hear His voice in your heart. His desire is for His children. His plans are for their best. Only come and receive. Bow down before the throne of the Almighty God and He will take away every burden you have ever known. He will replace with joy everlasting and mercy that is unending. Is this not what you desire? Is this not what your own hearts long for? Then seek it, my children. Seek His goodness and mercy and you will find it. Seek His power and authority over your lives and He will make way. Yes, He will remove everything that hinders—both seen and unseen. Believe in His goodness. Believe in His mercy. Believe, my precious children. Believe and receive! Oh how I long to see my people blessed beyond measure. Oh how I long to see my church step into her rightful place.

Be still, my children. Be still and silent long enough to believe there is a power greater than your own—greater than your circumstance or lack of faith. He is greater. Yes, He is beyond your understanding. Do not let His magnitude—His majesty and magnificence—deter you from stepping fully into His Presence. He is not greater than what you set before him unless you take that step of faith—that act of obedience and submission. Set down your burdens—your worries and your cares. Put down your busy lives for even a moment and make room to receive from the One who is unchanging—who stands beyond the realm of time and space. Do you not see that it is the enemy who keeps your lives so busy—your focus so constant on the changing times rather than the One source who is not changing?

Peace, be still. These are words spoken to your own raging seas—your own constant wanderings. Be still, my children, and sit with me a while. Rest in my Presence and receive what I have offered. Receive the peace and perspective you need to receive from the One and only—the One who was and is and is to come. Yes, my children, receive. Rest in the Presence of the Almighty God and let the world go by on its own if even for a moment. You will be surprised to see that your world does not crumble and fall. Instead it is rebuilt in the Presence of the One who created life itself. Yes, my children, set down your burdens and watch them disappear into the great unknown. Yes, watch them dissipate and become meaningless in the shadow of the Almighty God. His ways are true and His ways are purposed for your best. Come and receive His blessing—His anointing and calling on your life. Your ways of living will never be the same again. Yes, they will be transformed from beginning to end.

Trust in me and in no other. Come to me and listen to my voice. Receive my instructions and my offerings of provision and anointing. Yes, I will give you more than you desire. I will give you beyond what you ask. But you must first ask. You must first believe. Only then may you receive in the abundance I have offered. Only then may you receive in full. Receive full, all you my children. Receive in full today so you may share in full tomorrow. Yes, I desire to pour out my gifts upon my children so they may impart my blessing upon this earth.

Do you not know that you, my church, are my answer to this hurting world? Wake up so you may see. Open your hearts so you may receive. Open your hands so you may be my hands and feet to my people in need. I do not ask you to give on your own accord. No, you must give from the abundance of my Father‘s gifts in Heaven. Ask Heaven to pour out upon this earth and upon my people whom I love. This is my will and desire. This is my plan and purpose for my Church and for my people. Become the messengers of hope and healing I designed you to be. Yes, be my answer that has been there all along. Go and do. Be and receive. Share out of the abundance of my gifts to you. Share out of the abundance of my love for you. You must first receive this love in full before you can share it as such. Rest. Receive. Become my beloved bride. Yes, my children, become all that I created you to be.

I received this word from the Lord for His children on November 26, 2018.

Eagles in flight.

As I was praying  in my heavenly  language,  I  felt the Lord prompt me to ask Him to send in the eagles.  
How many of you know that there are “spirit” birds that are heavenly,  and others that are from hell.
The spirit birds from the enemy camp perch around God’s people and report back to the power’s in charge over specific regions.   These bird’s tell the enemy where our weakness is, where the enemy  can come in and cause troubles of all kinds. 
But the LORD of Hosts has Eagles that are sent out over God’s  people, in order to chase away the enemy, or to lift up God’s beloved’s, and take them away from danger. Usually  the result is a higher vantage point, so that we can see the mountain of God in the  distance.
This makes it possible for  us to keep pressing  on toward the finish!  He renews our strength! He lifts us up on wings of eagles!  We can walk and not grow weary.  We can run and not faint!
Many of us have been fighting  long and hard.
The Lord has sent His eagles to our rescue. Now lean into the wings of the almighty!  Let him feed and care for you.  Rest in His mighty embrace.
I have seen the eagles in the sky. I saw the eagles’ face change right before my eyes. First, into a lion head,and next into the head of a lamb.
So the LORD has confirmed  His word to us. I was not alone when I witnessed this vision. Another who has eyes to see and ears to hear was with me. She saw the eagle too.
Take comfort. The eagles have risen.
Revival is here.

Come forward to receive your anointing

Do not be surprised by what you see and experience for my glory is here. My time has come. I have told you about my outpouring of signs and wonders. I have told you about this generation of believers. Now I will show you. Now I will make known my Holy Spirit anointing in this place. I will make clear my power and anointing so none can replace with lies. No, none can deny my glory in this place.

Come, my child. Come and see. See all my miracles, my signs and wonders to this generation. Oh how I long to open their eyes to me and remove the coverings from their faces. Oh how I long to make known my love for my people and my healing for their sufferings. No longer will my children suffer in silence, lonely and apart from me. No, they will wake up and open their eyes to the light of my Presence—the light of my glory shining down upon their upturned faces.

Oh, my children, how I long to look full into your eyes and wipe away the tears that fall so silently to your feet. Let me lift you up and set you on your way. Yes, I have a new way prepared—a new path for you to travel. This path as well provisioned and prepared for battle. Yes, my children, a battle is coming. It is already raging around you but you do not see it in black and white. No, my children, this war has raged for many years yet few have partaken in it. It is time for my children to rise and take up there rightful place.

Stand tall, my church. Rise to your feet, my children. Pick up your weaponry and march forward on ground prepared for battle. I have called you to this time and place to stand against the enemy forces. I have given you everything needed to fight and win. This battle is mine and I have already vanquished the enemy. Now is time for you to rise and claim your victory.

Arise, my church. Stand tall, my mighty warriors. Come forward to receive your anointing. Come forward to receive your gifts. My healing will pour out like rain upon my people. My children will rise up to take their rightful place. They will stand in the gap for my people. They will call the weary into my own refuge. They will be the answer that I seek for this generation. Yes, my children will arise to take their rightful place. They will receive the gifts I have long been giving.

Yes, my child, they will receive info. Speak it as such and it will come to be. This is my will for my church and my people. This is my will and it will be made so.

I received this word regarding spiritual warfare from the Lord on November 23, 2018.

Holy fire and Smoke in the sanctuaries of our churches.

As I was worshipping  my LORD I began to pray in my heavenly  language; my hands began to make a swirling  movement above my head. 
I began to see in the spirit, the church sanctuary.   I saw flames arising from the feet of the people  gathered there.  The flames did not burn them.  They rose up and surrounded the people.  
I then witnessed  smoke  enter the sanctuary from the roof downward,  into the midst of where we were standing.  As I continued to make this stirring  motion with my hands I witnessed the smoke and fire mingling together and beginning to  form a cyclone. 
I witnessed things that were stuck to people; evil spirits, sin, sickness, false identities…
All that is holding God’s  children back from their destiny in Him, every  thing that they were willing to  let go of; all the things trying to enslave them, was sucked up into this heavenly  cyclone!
The cyclone brought all of these things before the throne of the Ancient of Days; where He who sits on the throne commanded all of the contents of the twister into the fire emanating from His throne; where it was all destroyed!
Pray for the people of God Most High, to be willing to give up their worldly identity in exchange for their identity in Christ. 
Pray for willing  hearts to let go of and throw off what has been hindering  their progress in kingdom growth.
Pray for God’s people to realize that their identity is not in their sickness and sin. 
Pray that they turn their eyes toward heaven and realize that they are  beloved children  of God.
Only their realization of God’s holy,  perfect love can set them free!
Pray that nothing and no one will be able to stop them from humbling  themselves and crying out before He who sits on Heavens Mercy Seat!
Pray for every church to be Father, Son, Holy Spirit filled and on fire with passion for  His cause!