Let your light shine visibly

I received this word more than a year ago (January 21, 2019), but was recently reminded of it and especially this verse…

What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear! Matthew 10:27 NLT

Although it is spoken directly to me, I believe it pertains to all of God’s children and I hope at least part of it speaks to you personally.

My child, be still. Stand tall in my Presence with hands open to receive. Do you feel me with you? Then why do you stumble over knowledge you do not need? Stop trying to receive every detail in words from my mouth. Instead receive from my heart and mind. Heart to heart and mind to mind–this is my will for you, my child. Be willing to step out. Be willing to take leaps of faith–big steps forward into new realms and new ways of experiencing my promises to you and for my children. Receive on their behalf. Receive in new ways and new methods. Share in new arenas and areas of influence.

Do you desire to see my world transformed before your very eyes? Then go and do. Be and become. Yes, my child, this is my word for you and for my children–go and do, be and become. Go to the ends of the earth. Do my work in your homes and in your workplaces, in your communities and every area of influence you find yourself in. Be my church–my answer to the nations. My answer to this broken and hurting world full of broken and hurting people. Become the bride of Christ you have been promised to be. Become the saints of this generation–the livers and doers of my Word.

Go and do, be and become. I do not say sit and listen or receive only in your heart. Everything I have given to you is meant to be shared. Everything I whisper into your heart and mind is meant to be shouted from across the mountaintops. Do not sit in comfort when I am calling you to stand and fight. I have not called you my warrior for no reason. I have not given you a spirit of faith to waste it on pleasantries and prophetic giftings that sit around for others to look in and see.

Go out. Go forth. Speak my words to all who will listen. Shout my decrees across this nation. Do all I am telling you and more. Do my mighty works. Spread my glory and power through your giftings. I have gifted you, my child, in so many ways. You have received an entire lifetime of my blessings. You have honed skills and experiences have shaped you into a unique offering of my love and power to this world. Step out your gifts–walk them out in your daily living.

I am speaking to you at all times and in many different ways. You will recall certain truths at times you need them, often not realizing the magnitude of the word until this later point in time. So do not limit your receiving from me to a certain time and place–a certain method or stance. Let my words flow with majesty–with style and grace according to each situation, method and need. Do not limit yourself and do not limit me. Step out in faith. Live this life I have given you in full.

Let fear have no way–no room in your life or way of living. I AM the Beginning and the End. There is no other apart from me. Do you believe that, my child? Do you believe that I AM everything you need? That everything you desire is found in me? Then live it out. Go and do in my Presence. Be and become a living example of what it means to be a child of the Most High God. Yes, my child, go. Do not hold back.

I have made you my mighty warrior. I have set my children in place for the world to see my goodness and glory. So do not hide this light that shines within. Do not sit amongst the shadows where light flickers in and out. Let your light shine visibly. Yes, strong and without flickering–a steady light. Simply be and do as I have created you–as I have called you. Others may receive or not–feel the warmth of my love-light or not. Do not concern yourself with how others react, only concern yourself with my Presence and being a steady, constant light-bearer in my name. I will do the rest.

Acts 1:8, Matthew 10:27, 2 Timothy 1:7