Come to me, all you my children

Yes, my child, be still. Take a hold of my hand. Let us walk this way together—yes, hand-in-hand. What you do not know I will tell you. What you do not yet see I will show you. Yes, believe my truths. Hold fast to my promises to you. This is my desire for you. Yes, for you and for my people. Hold fast. Stand strong. Be steadfast though the world shakes around you. Do not back down from your guarded post. Yes, my child, do not back down. I’ve given you my Spirit for a reason. Yes, I have given you my eyes of trust for a greater purpose—one that is beyond your own. You see and hear and wonder what it all means and I will tell you. Yes, I will share with you in the secret place.

Come to me, all you my children. Come to hear what my Spirit has to say. My Spirit is moving upon the waters—yes, the vacant waters of your upturned hearts. I have pruned and I have chosen what to remove and what to remain. Now my canvas is ready. Yes, it is ready for a new coat of paint—a new layer of anointing.

So come to me, all you my children. Come and hear the words I have spoken to you from before time began. Awake, arise, become the glorious people I have called you. Stand fully in your rightful place. You do not belong in the dirty streets arguing with the lowly beggars in front of you. No, my children, welcome them in through my open gates. Welcome into my glorious Presence, for that is where you stand in unity with me. Yes, my children, stand—in unity with me and with one another.

Have you forgotten all my commands? Have you forgotten this wild love I have so surely placed within your hands? Come to me, all you my children. Come to me so you will begin to understand. I did not create you for this place, this time and this season without a greater purpose to my plan. No, my children, be steadfast. Hold fast to the truths you know—the truths I have placed in your own hands. Do you so easily forget my words that have been spoken to you? Do you so easily forget the majesty of who I AM?

Stand up, my precious children. Arise to take your rightful place. Have you forgotten that you are co-heirs with the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace? So why do you then fight amongst yourselves as if that is somehow a way towards peace? Come to me, all you my children. Come to my hand.

I received this word from the Lord on September 22, 2020.

The Shadows Are Growing Deeper

On September 19th as I was out on my prayer walk I noticed that the season was changing from summer sun, high up in the sky, to Autumn sun, which is closer to the earth and causes shadows to grow longer.  

I spoke to the Lord in my spirit, 
“Lord, the shadows grow deeper and longer.”
I had a sense that this was not a typical Autumn.  With Covid and politics runamuck I had grown weary in the waiting. 
The Lord  graciously answered, 
     “Yes My child, the shadows grow ever deeper and ever longer. Do you not know what season you are in?”

I answered, 
     “Yes, Lord, We are in the harvest.”

He spoke softly to my spirit in a comforting tone; 
     “Yes, My child.  Another name for Harvest is Autumn – 'The passing of the year'.
The Hebrew New Year has just begun.  It has always been, since I have set time and seasons, night and day, and laws of nature in their place.  For this is how the children of the most high know what season and time I have brought them into.  This was my plan for you from the beginning.

5781 is the Hebrew year we have begun.

     As you look upon the calendar that I have created for the children of God who I have called by my name, you SEE that the end of the Roman calendar is coming and the beginning of the Calendar of My people is upon you.  You were born into the time and the place and the season that I have planned and written of , which is in My great hall of books, of the lives and times of My children.”

I asked the Lord,
      “Why do people call Autumn fall, Fiall, and Feallan, which means, 'to fall from height”'?

     “My Child, for those who do not know I AM, or who are opposed to I AM, this word prophecies over them their inevitable outcome.”  To those who know I AM as El-Shaddai, you, My children, are in My times and seasons.  You do not 'fall', you are children of the Harvest, which is the greatest there ever has been.  

    Focus My Light

     Do not fear the deepening shadows.  Focus My light, the light of life, in you toward the Harvest.  That is My Spirit; He will make you to be able to understand My word to you and you will interpret what I Am saying; so that you gather all of those who I AM calling to come to Me now.  For the harvest is great, but the workers are few.  It is My desire to see all of those that I AM calling, to come into the kingdom of light. 

I Have Prayed For You.

     This is why I have prayed for you that you would not be taken out of this world but that instead you would be set apart and yet, if you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world, (for My Kingdom has never been of this world system), This man-made calendar. This is why I have prayed for you.  I have given them the word(Me) and the world has hated them because they are like Me, just as I AM not of this world.

Do Not Fear!

     Do not fear .  Loved one, the world is passing away along with its desires – but whoever does the will of My Father, abides in me forever.  Therefore do not fear the deepening shadows.  You are exactly where I want you to be in this time and in this season, which I have predestined before time began.  Because, before time began; I AM.”

I sense that it is the desire of the Lord's heart to comfort his children in this season.  but I also sense that we are to be steadfast and determined not to let the world dictate to us how we “live and move and have our being.”  But that we are living, moving and abiding in The Father's divine timeline for such a time as this!  Take heart!  For He has overcome the world.
Romans 15:13
May the God God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
1 Peter 3:14
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened. 

John 17, Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15,Luke 8:16-18, Acts 17:28

With Love for the Lost and found,