Raise your shout

Raise your shout—your battle cry to me. Let the Heavens resound by the shouts of my children. Yes, my children will shout in my name across the battlefield and the enemy will flee. My children will fight with full strength and their armor will not fail. Yes, their armor will hold fast and their lives will be made clean. “Be removed, all you evil in our midst. Away with you, every lie that tries to whisper our name.” This will be the shouts from my children. Yes, they will make the enemy flee.

Shout against the enemy by the power of my name and the authority given you from Heaven. Shout and do not back down. Advance your forces and move forward against enemy strongholds. Yes, I will give you power to dethrone rulers and principalities. I will give you power to tear down enemy embattlements and bring destruction to his forces. Yes, my children, arise and fight with the power of my name. Arise and fight with the power of the Heavenly realms.

The wind of the Spirit is at your backs. His power flows through your veins like a mighty force that cannot be contained. Let his power flow freely in you, my children. Let him guide your forward march against the enemy and his forces. Let him guide you in every perfect step, every single way. Yes, my children, my Holy Spirit is your guide. My Holy Spirit is your truth. Trust my Spirit within you. Trust His voice and His ways of guiding you.

Nothing is too difficult for me and you are in my grasp—you are safe within my mighty arms. Move forward in my name. Take back enemy ground in my name. Expel him from the hearts of many in the name of Jesus Christ. Yes, I will have my way in the hearts of my children—in the hearts of my people who come with openness in their minds and hearts. This is my will and way. This is how I will do my work in this place. I will do my work through you, my holy children—my children anointed by my power and grace. Be open to receive this anointing. Be open to receive my Holy Spirit power and grace. He will work through you if you let Him.  He will spread from heart to heart—from life to life.

Yes, my children, receive. Receive and let free—let loose loose this holy passion and power will flow from your veins.  Yes, just as you give earthly blood for earthly life, you will share my holy anointing to bring life to others. You will share my holy passion and it will spread across this earth.  Let me love spread.  Let my love shine. Shine for me, all you my children. Shine and do not be led astray. Do not let another keep you from shining brightly for me. I am here and I am moving. Move with me, my children. Move with me and advance the Kingdom of Heaven here and now.

I received this word regarding spiritual warfare from the Lord on October 26, 2018.

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