Fresh word

Fresh Word.
What really struck me about this word in this season is that there is alot of finger pointing,  condemning and accusation going back and forth in all directions.  The accuser is on the attack in every sphere of influence. 
I feel that the Lord is reminding us not to let our hearts grow hard and our love grow cold. Serpents are cold blooded and hard hearted.  Satan is a serpent. 
Let us keep loving and pray for Justice according to God's will and agenda, and do our part by extending grace, moving from glory to glory, not getting caught up in the negativity circulating in our atmosphere,  so that we show ourselves approved by love.
Heb. 11:6, 12:12,13, 
13:15, 1 Peter 2:5, Job 5:15:17, psalm 25:3, Rom. 5:1-5, 1Cor. 13, Rom.13:8
Phil.4:8, Rev. 2:4, 2:19, Matt 24:1-13
I AM Love.
Dearly beloved, you have asked, you have been seeking, you have knocked. Now I will open the door of revelation with my answer;
This is the word of the LORD to you:
Those who show themselves approved are my disciples. 
Fruit that is made perfect in love;

My daughter,  you are approved by My spirit in you, which produces fruit that is acceptable in my sight and sweet to taste.  For when we inspect fruit do we not first look at its outward appearance?
Does it smell sweet? Is it bruised or does it appear perfect in my sight?
Those who offer up the sacrifice of praise ,which is the fruit of your lips; giving thanks in my name are mine.
For the substance and tangible solid presence is the fruit of My spirit at work in you. And the evidence is proven true by the fruit my children bear.
The good  and faithful witnesses testify that I AM LOVE! Those who also love I call my own. So now abide in faith, hope and love.  But I AM the greatest of these; yes my daughter I AM love.
Faith and hope are produced in my bride as she endures all things to come. For she stands justified through her faith in me and she is covered in my grace.
Now she boasts in the glory of my presence, and soon she will shine so bright that the world will not be able to withstand her countenance
For her face expresses my glory as Moses on Sinai, and as I appeared to my disciples on that day in Gethsemane.
Glory in my love daughter. Shine bright with the same love that I have loved you.
For there is no greater commandment than this.  In this commandment the law is fulfilled.  
Beware those whose love has grown cold.  They have not been made perfect in love. They have forsaken the love they had at first and are susceptible to be fooled by false prophets, who preach a type of godliness, but are lacking in love. 
I know you beloved; I know that you are loving more than you did at first. This is the sign of my spirit on you and at work in you.

So keep pressing into me. Keep loving fearlessly and guard your heart!
Finally, focus on producing ripe fruit that smells sweet to my nostrils, and is lovely to behold. Seek justice in my courts, love mercy and continue to follow me; not thinking more highly of yourself than others because you have my favor; Forsaking a boastful spirit which is detestable in my nostrils. 
Always error on the side of love, for justice is mine and vengeance also belongs to me!
Fill up your lamp with fresh oil in my presence, I pour it out over you as you shine forth the will of your Father and your bridegroom. Yes my beloved, the oil of my favor makes you shine!
With love,

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